It’s become pretty well known in the past years that many people suffer from the Winter Blues, especially in the Northern States. The days are shorter, the skies are grey and a lot of people just feel down. They even make special lamps that produce artificial sunlight to help people not feel so blue.
So, how is it then, that I live in the Sunshine State, where the skies are blue and the sun is shining 360 days of the year and I’m heading into Summer feeling the blues? I guess it’s not really the Summer Time Blues, it’s the Post-Event Blues.
We’ve just come out of a CRaZY busy event schedule at h.e.a.r.t. with two major community events in back to back weekends. Those two weekends were the culmination of MONTHS of work for me.
spreadsheet making,
list writing
and scratching things off of lists.
Months of thinking through the little details and working an insane number of hours to see it all come together.
And you know what? I loved every. minute. of. it.
It’s become pretty evident to me over the past 1.5 years of working at h.e.a.r.t. that the Gift-Giver has gifted me with skills in organization and detail work. The past few months of exercising those gifts has brought so much joy and fulfillment and satisfaction to my life. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said over the past months, “I love my job!”
So, why is it that I’m feeling down? The adrenaline has stopped coursing through my veins. I’m off the “high” of two successful events. The phone has stopped ringing off the hook. I don’t have color coded spreadsheets filling my computer screen. All these months of planning and organizing and delegating, I was exercising my gifts, but I had neglected to stay connected with the Gift-Giver.
And so, today,
I’m sitting still.
Sitting still in the quietness of my house. I’m relishing the cool breeze and the swaying trees. I’m resting in the Light of the Son and I’m reconnecting with the Gift Giver who brings true contentment and lasting joy.