Village Life FAQs

What's the village like?
In total, the HEART village covers 40 acres. This includes the areas for hands-on learning (animal pastures and enclosures, gardens, Appropriate Technology area, primitive outdoor kitchen, and low-ropes course), as well as the area for student life (rustic cabins, outdoor showers, pit latrines, classroom and community kitchen). In times of meditation and prayer, students enjoy spending time on the ½ mile prayer trail that winds through the saw-palmetto forest and has the perfect lookout for watching beautiful Floridian sunsets. The village also includes the HEART office, staff and intern housing, and a workshop.

What are accommodations like?
The cabins are rustic, but clean. They have no electricity or water and contain single beds and/or bunk beds. Married couples will have their own room and, if there is available space, their own cabin. All single students will have a cabin mate. There is a wash area with sinks and solar-heated showers for personal hygiene, as well as laundry washing. The kitchen is clean and spacious and serves as the center of the village community.

How's the weather at the village?
It is hot and humid in Florida from March to the end of October and we can expect 75 to 100 degree Fahrenheit weather. Bring clothes that are modest but that provide necessary protection from the mosquitoes and sun. In the winter months, we average temperatures between 38 and 75 degrees, with a chance of a light freeze.