Educate | Equip | Empower

Our Mission

Our Mission is to demonstrate and cultivate the good news of God’s love by educating, equipping and empowering people with practical skills in cultural adaptation, problem solving, and community development through experiential training, to serve the needs of the hungry and oppressed.

Who We Are

“HEART” stands for Hunger Education And Resource Training. We are a school for cross-cultural workers and missionaries. Our campus is designed as a functioning simulation of a developing world village and demonstration farm. Students, visitors and volunteers come here from around the world to gain practical experience and valuable knowledge. We strive to teach a holistic perspective on ministry focused on cultivating genuine relationships, working to improve the quality of life and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s unique worldview.

Become a Student!

HEART curriculum components are designed to address the most basic needs for self-reliant living. Our program is geared towards students with a heart for missions in developing countries and spreading the gospel to those who don’t know the good news of Jesus Christ. Both our programs will equip students with the skills needed to live and connect with others in developing countries.

Donate to HEART

Hunger Education And Resource Training is a registered not for profit, faith-based organization. We rely on student fees for half of our programming. The other half comes through generous donations of individuals, sponsors, and churches. Financial gifts are given toHEART to help support programs, scholarships for students, campus improvements, and infrastructure changes for the future. Through your giving, you are helping us prepare the next generation of servant leaders around the globe.

Volunteer With Us!

We have need for skilled and unskilled workers year round. You can come for a day or organize an extended volunteer trip with your church or community group. We also have opportunities to volunteer on a weekly basis. If you have specific skills (carpentry, plumbing, electrician, auto mechanics, etc.) we would love to put you to work!

On The Blog

Heart Village 9th Annual Virtual Garden Celebration

Heart Village 9th Annual Virtual Garden Celebration

Even though we can't be together this year we hope that you will join us Saturday, November 20th 2021 for our 9th Annual Virtual Garden Celebration. This year we have put together high-quality informational, fun videos that will spread information for years to come....

7th Annual Garden Celebration

7th Annual Garden Celebration

HEART Village's 7th Annual Garden Celebration is coming on November 2nd, from 9 am - 2 pm. Tickets are $8 for adults and children 12 and under get in free! Purchase tickets on here: ...

Student Projects – Ideas For the Future

Student Projects – Ideas For the Future

Ever feel like the problems keep stacking up and the solutions are nowhere to be seen? We see it too, and that’s part of why at HEART we want our students to be innovative and proactive with their ideas to solve problems that communities face and to share the love of...