Get Involved

Help us accomplish our mission
by getting involved in the village

HEART’s Mission Statement: Our Mission is to demonstrate and cultivate the good news of God’s love by educating, equipping and empowering people with practical skills in cultural adaptation, problem solving, and community development through experiential training, to serve the needs of the hungry and oppressed..


We have the need for skilled and unskilled workers year round. You can come for a day or organize an extended volunteer trip with your church or community group. We also have opportunities to volunteer on a weekly basis. If you have specific skills (carpentry, plumbing, electrician, auto mechanics, etc.) we would love to put you to work!

MAV Groups

MAV stands for Mission Awareness Venture. The program is specifically designed to introduce people to what it would be like to serve in a developing country. The HEART village simulates many aspects of living in a developing country. You may encounter some demanding circumstances. Our desire is to see you grow as you meet these challenges and to help prepare you to answer God’s call to serve those less fortunate than you.

Refer a Student

Do you know of anybody who could benefit from hands-on community development training in a simulated developing world village? Do you know someone who already serves in a developing world context, struggling to effectively improve the quality of lives in their community? Send them to HEART to participate in our program! Not only are you helping them to receive life changing training, but you’re also helping us to reach the next generation of missionaries and community development workers, and by extension, you’re helping the people that our graduates help. It’s a win-win-win situation!


Hunger Education And Resource Training is a registered not for profit, faith-based organization. We rely on student fees for half of our programming. The other half comes through generous donations of individuals, sponsors, and churches. Financial gifts are given to HEART to help support programs, scholarships for students, campus improvements, and infrastructure changes for the future. We also have a list of specific items needed. Through your giving, you are helping us prepare the next generation of servant leaders around the globe.