
What is the Case Matching Scholarship Fund?
The Case Matching Scholarship Fund was established by a generous gift from Drs. Harold and Betty Pontious in memory of Henry and Maude Case. The Cases were strong supporters of the work of missions, so it is a fitting tribute to them that a scholarship fund be established that will assist young people to prepare for missionary service.

Who is eligible for the matching scholarship?
Any person may apply who has been accepted as a student in the HEART Institute and is a part of an evangelical church or missions agency which is willing to invest in this training by participation in the matching scholarship fund.

How does the matching scholarship fund work?
The matching scholarship is a partnership in training missionaries in which evangelical churches, including para-church ministries and mission organizations, invest in a student providing them financial assistance to attend the HEART Institute. The Case Matching Scholarship matches any contribution designated for their student’s tuition, dollar per dollar up to a maximum of $1,000 per full time student in the semester program and $200 in the 3 week program.
$1,000 + $1,000 = $2,000

When should applications for a matching scholarship be made?
It is necessary to submit your scholarship request by August 1st for the fall semester, December 1st for the January term, January 1 for the spring term and April 1st for the Summer term. For short or special programs, requests must be made at least one month prior to the beginning of the program.

Please note that the available matching funds are limited. Email us at for more information before beginning your application.
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