Village Nursery
We offer unique edible plants from around the world,
specializing in perennial vegetables and fruits.
We aim to provide quality plants at affordable prices as a service to the community. The plants we offer are locally adapted and well-suited for edible landscaping, permaculture and community gardening. Nursery sales help support the HEART Village educational facility which trains students to serve in poverty relief work and missions around the world.

Less Than 1 Gallon

1 Gallon Pots

3 Gallon Pots
*Specialty items may vary in cost. Nursery sales help support the HEART educational facility.
Potential Future Stock in the Nursury:
Availability changes throughout the year, call ahead to check what we have in stock
African Basil
Brazilian Spinach
Cattley Guava
Cranberry Hibiscus
Cuban Oregano
Edible Hibiscus
Garlic Chives
Jamaican Cherry
Longevity Spinach
Mexican Sunflower
Mint (#1)
Mulberry (Estero Giant)
Peanut Butter Fruit
Perennial Sweet Pepper
Pigeon Pea
Pink Cracker Jack Rose
Ruby x Supreme Guava
Thai Basil
Tree Daisy
Vietnamese Cilantro
Sales and tours are by appointment only
You can contact the HEART office at (863)-638-1188 to schedule an appointment.
*Check first about availability if you are seeking a particular plant species. Plant availability is subject to change based on demand or time of year.