“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” sings the radio, the department stores, and the speakers in our own homes.

In my mind, however, this lyric begs the question, “For whom?”

For whom?

Is it the most wonderful time of the year for the family that is celebrating their first Christmas without their loved one? What about the family who lost their home to a natural disaster and still have not rebuilt. Those situations are close to home, but what about the situations we may not think about on a daily basis?

This is the first Christmas I’ve celebrated since my 3 week term at h.e.a.r.t., and I can’t help but look at Christmas in a completely new light. While we in the USA celebrate a season filled with candy canes, presents, and Santa Clause, this year I can’t help but remember the majority world where people go to bed every single night without food in their stomachs and without the hope of Jesus Christ.

For our brothers and sisters in Christ, December 25th is a day that they remember Christ’s birth. The will probably have a humble celebration and a church service to honor Christ’s birth. To the majority world that does not know about the hope of Jesus Christ, December 25th will be just another night they go to bed hungry, hoping that the next day they will find work or food.
So this Christmas season, I offer a challenge to you. Maybe you have one more person to buy for; that person who seems to have everything. I encourage you to give a donation in their honor. Maybe it’s a donation to h.e.a.r.t. that is training up missionaries to go into the world and serve in the most efficient and responsible way. May it’s sponsoring a child for a year that needs your financial support. A great organization for sponsoring a child is Compassion International.

How will you make this season the most wonderful time of the year?

Whether it is a financial gift or praying for those who go to bed hungry each night, we are all called to be servants. If we embrace a servant attitude, and reach out those in need this Christmas, I believe with God’s help, we can make this season the most wonderful time of the year.

Post by Kari Mendenhall